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Kingsize bed mattress
5ft protective covers

Kingsize bed mattress</br>5ft protective covers
Excl VAT:  £4.96(+20%)VAT included price £5.95
  (2 Reviews)

5+ mattress & sofa covers 10% discount £4.46 each
10+ bed settee covers get 20% trade price £3.97 each
25+ mattress & sofa covers 30% wholesale £3.47 each
75+ bed settee covers get 38% trade price £3.08 each
150+ mattress & sofa covers 42% wholesale £2.88 each

Discounts apply across all mattress & settee covers

2 2-seater settee covers, 1 3-seater & 2 mattress covers will give the 5+ discount price, buy 10+ items and the discount increases.

Kingsize mattress protectors

These kingsize 5ft wide bags will help protect your mattress from damp
Re-usable kingsize mattress covers very strong, quality polythene bags
Ideal for the house removals companies, storage firms or furniture manufacturers

The Kingsize mattress covers are 90″ long with a gusset which opens for increased depth of mattress

2.286 metres long king size mattress covers

Average Rating (2 Reviews):  
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Friendly and Helpful
31 May 2024  | 

Very friendly and helpful, highly recommended

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Helpful and Efficient, Great Company
26 August 2019  | 

Great company, called me to check what I wanted was correct. Helpful and efficient.

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