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Masking tape

Masking tape
Excl VAT:  £1.75(+20%)VAT included price £2.10



6 - packing tape get 10% discount £1.58 per roll
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Masking tape – premium quality masking tape

Masking tape can be written on, easily torn by hand yet strong enough to do the job.
Use masking tape to hold cabinet doors closed, shelving together or for wrapping boxes, easier to break without using your teeth.
Open without scissors and doesn’t leave a sticky residue that other tapes do?
Seal cardboard boxes with masking tape.
Ideal to seal packages, holding doors closed or protecting sharp edges such as glass or metallic furniture from damage.
Masking tape type 2214 50mm x 50m 50mm x 66 metres long, standard core for general packaging applicators.
Dimensions: 50m long x 50mm wide.

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