Double walled boxes, a strong moving box

Strong Double Walled Storage & Distribution Cardboard Boxes

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strong posting boxes, a small double wall cardboard postal box, 229x152x152mm TBW


Postal boxes, small double wall A4 letter box size 305 x 229 x 52mm


strong postal cardboard boxes, small double wall box strong A4 boxes 305 x 229 x 127mm


strong postal cardboard boxes, small double wall box, small but strong boxes 305 x 229 x 152mm


A4 Cardboard boxes double walled A4 base ideal for magazines or paperwork 305 x 229 x 229mm


Cubed 10" square cardboard boxes double walled, ideal for cans & jars, 254 x 254 x 254mm


Larger A4 Cardboard boxes, double walled A4 base, ideal for magazines or paperwork 305x229x305 mm



Cubed 12" square cardboard boxes double walled, ideal for plates/ cans & jars 305 x 305 x 305mm


Double Walled Posting Book boxes, small book boxes moving box 350x254x254mm


A strong double walled removals box, a quality book box also heavy files, cans & jars 381x254x254mm


Square storage boxes 14x14x14″ strong cubed cardboard boxes


Double wall movers boxes, for heavy office files, cans & jars 470x330x305mm


Double wall movers boxes, a book box & for heavy files, cans & jars 457x305x254mm



Cardboard movers boxes 18x13x13 ", strong double wall removal boxes



Cardboard storage boxes double wall square box, 410mm cubed



Very strong double walled boxes, ideal book box also heavy files, cans & jars 457x305x305mm


Medium house removal boxes, mid range storage boxes for moving
457 x 457 x 254mm



Medium size double wall house mover boxes, a removal box for moving home 457 x 457 x 305mm


Cardboard storage boxes double wall cartons, larger book boxes 508x356x356mm


Cardboard Moving in boxes double wall cartons, larger mover boxes 508x406x406mm


Cardboard boxes double wall square boxes, 457mm cubed, 18 inch square



Large removal boxes, self-storage cardboard boxes for large bulky items 457x457x510mm


Cardboard removal boxes, extra large movers boxes for moving home 610x457x305mm


Tall removal boxes, self-storage cardboard boxes for large tall items 457x457x610mm



Large & tall removal boxes, self-storage cardboard boxes for larger taller items 457x457x762mm


Cardboard removal boxes, extra large movers box for moving home 610x508x152mm


Large Cardboard storage boxes, a very large box for distribution & transport 508x508x508mm



Self-storage cardboard boxes, extra large removal boxes for moving house 610x457x457mm


Cardboard boxes, large removal boxes for moving house 762x457x305mm


Large Cardboard Removals box, large moving boxes for home relocation 762x457x457mm


Cardboard boxes, large removal boxes for moving house 915x458x254mm, layflat clothing box



Cardboard boxes export quality double wall cartons, large storage boxes 762x508x508mm


Cardboard storage boxes, very large boxes for distribution & storage 610 x 610 x 610mm



Shorter Wardrobe boxes with handles, inc hanging bar, temporary wardrobe boxes 960mm/ 3ft 2"tall, the professional house movers choice



Wardrobe removal boxes with carry handles, full size clothes wardrobe boxes are 1220mm/ 4ft tall, the professional house movers choice



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Comparing Single & Double Wall Cardboard Boxes

Double wall is the double corrugation separated by a layer of paper, the second wall gives much stronger and more rigid cardboard box, less likely to buckle or crush when stacked.  We would always recommend using the stronger double walled boxes for strength, but also durability, as these boxes can be used again, gift them forward to friends that are moving or keep the boxes after you have moved, for future use.

Double walled boxes are constructed like this;

Double wall boxes

Single wall boxes are manufactured like this;

Single wall boxes

The type of paper used in manufacturing these boxes and the size and style of the corrugation will add to the strength of the box and the cost.  The lighter weight boxes are cheaper to post and far cheaper to manufacture, which is why we invite our customers to visit our showroom and see the difference in quality to that of ebay sellers and other online cheap removal box suppliers.

Sending care packages, boxes for soldiers
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